We could have up to 33 senses according to neuroscience
From childhood we are taught that we have 5 senses: sight, taste, touch, hearing and smell. However, more recent studies of neuroscience – as the BBC highlights – reveal that we actually have 33 senses that help us understand where we are, what we do and what surrounds us .
Demonstrating the existence of more senses is very simple and you can do it right now by picking up a book from the ground. You know that it was you who raised it because they intervene senses related to the identity, helping us to define who we are. In this particular experiment, the sense of ownership involved in raising awareness of our body’s belonging and sense of agency came into play , connected with the feeling that you are performing the movement you actually wanted by extending the arm and flexing your knees to take the Fallen book
Another example of senses we develop is the balance that is possible thanks to an inner ear system to send orders to our limbs and coordinate them, allowing us to stand without destabilizing. We also have sense of the movement called kinesthesia , sense of temperature or thermoception , sense of pain or nociception and sense of time or chronoception , all intended to guide us and mentioning only a few.
Although we are healthy, the brain can confuse who we are and away from reality for a few seconds because of very intense meditation, drug use or lack of sleep, among other causes that lead us to mix our perceptions. The stimulation of specific areas of the brain responsible for guiding our identity, fundamentally in the temporoparietal union, provokes the sensation of being experiencing an extra corporal experience and give us the illusion that we are souls capable of being liberated.
Beyond the mystical or religious component of each person and their beliefs, scientists who devote themselves to studying the senses, blame them for these experiences when they are confused or there is a disorder in the part of the brain that dominates them. As a conclusion the extrasensory experiences from a scientific point of view, are brain damages that create illusions. Regardless of personal convictions, the existence of more senses would explain key aspects in the relationship of the body with the environment and the self, solving questions that until now lacked some kind of scientific explanation.
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