How Mathematics is related to Web Design ?

Combining these two skills will be key to achieving stable and well-paid employment in the future. In this article, we explain why you should learn Mathematics and Web Design.
Loved by many and hated by many others, Mathematics is present in practically all areas of life. The games we play, the sport we play, the musical instruments we listen to, the architecture of our houses … And also on the internet sites, we use to navigate daily. The relationship between Mathematics and Web Design is not new, but it promises to have a great future.
Probably any designer will believe that this link is non-existent, that his work links more to artistic techniques than to the so-called hard sciences. Even some students will be surprised to know that the career they chose because it did not involve performing mathematical operations does link to this mythical science. That said, math is everywhere, and design is no exception.
In the field of design, there are numerous concepts linked to this science. Patterns, symmetry, spaces, and sequences are just a few examples.
How is Mathematics linked to Web Design?
The Golden Ratio or The Golden Ratio, for example. Also known as Golden Section or Gold Section, Gold Measure or Divine Radio; This mathematical concept refers to a type of rectangle created with a certain radius, which causes it to be divided infinitely and always perfectly, creating a new Divine Radius.
Its link with the Phi number makes this rectangle perceived as perfect before the human eye, which creates a sense of comfort, tranquility, perfection, balance, and security. It is this same or rectangle that is used in most websites and other elements of design, as a way to ensure the creation of a harmonic composition for those who observe it.
The famous Rule of Thirds also has numerous applications in the field of Web Design. This is used fundamentally in the photographic composition to create more harmonic images and somehow guide the viewer towards the elements that must pay attention to the image, images that are then used in places, but also in some way generate a certain ” Trend “when organizing the elements of a web. These are not placed randomly but often take into account the Rule of Thirds to ensure that the eye of the viewer is located where the designer will place certain elements.
Why do we say that this will be a relationship with the future?
Precisely, because in the future we will invest more and more time in surfing the web. If the use of computers, mobiles, and tablets is already widespread, in the next few years, this will grow even more causing most people of the day to find themselves using different sites.
If we know that the use of the internet will increase and with it will the time of navigation on websites … How can we make users spend more time on our site and not in the competition? How do we make them feel at ease with him? How do we take them to perform the actions that we want them to fulfill on our site? Making it a more pleasant, tolerable and harmonious place, where the user feels at ease and wants to be.
It seems that Web Design has much to learn from Mathematics yet because if you use their help, you can ensure a successful future.
So, if you’re a designer stop thinking you have nothing to do with numbers and shapes because it is not. And if you are thinking about studying Web Design to avoid math it is time to stop thinking that you will achieve it and start accepting that some numbers are not so bad from time to time, especially when they can help you achieve your goals and keep Your users happy.