US pays Pfizer to secure 100 million doses of vaccine by December
The laboratory received $ 1.95 billion for the drug that produces antibodies higher than those shown by patients who have suffered from covid
The United States has signed a contract with Pfizer to guarantee 100 million doses of the covid-19 vaccine. The US laboratory is working with the German firm BioNTech on a drug that, so far, has generated antibodies in healthy people that are superior to those shown by patients who have recovered from covid.
“These vaccines will have to be safe and effective,” said Azar on American television, where he also acknowledged that the Health Department does not lose sight of the tests that Moderna and AstraZeneca are doing. Pfizer will still have to go through a long process of clinical testing and obtain authorization from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which could issue an emergency authorization in October, the firm has detailed in a statement. .
“We make the early decision to start clinical work and large-scale manufacturing at our own risk to ensure that the product is immediately available if our clinical trials are successful and an emergency use authorization is granted,” explained Albert Bourla. , CEO of Pfizer.
The pharmaceutical company has worked on four vaccine projects and on July 1 announced that one of them had obtained positive results in a test in 45 adults between 18 and 55 years old. The firm explained that the patients had tolerated the drug and that they had only experienced mild reactions such as fever and local pain. The conclusions of that first study indicated that patients generated higher antibodies than those who had suffered from covid-19.
“We are committed to doing the impossible possible by working tirelessly to develop and produce in record time a safe and effective vaccine to help end this global health crisis,” Bourla said in a statement. Pfizer and BioNTech will begin testing the vaccine in 30,000 people in the coming weeks.