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Take good sleep daily to keep your heart healthy

How a good sleep protects your heart from various heart diseases

Do you not get enough sleep? Then you need to be a little careful about your health. This may sound surprising, but sleep may be related to heart diseases.  

People who do not get enough sleep are at greater risk of heart diseases. These diseases can be related to blood vessels ie cardiovascular and arteries ie coronary. If you want to reduce these risks, then you must sleep deeply enough.

According to researchers, sleeping too little affects our health and biological processes. This can lead to disturbances in the digestion of glucose, abnormal blood pressure, and inflammatory problems. 

Lack of sleep can lead to high blood pressure, abnormal nervous system activity and increased heart rate. However, sleeping too much can cause these problems. While we sleep, our blood pressure decreases. But there is a possibility of increasing blood pressure if not enough sleep. 

The burden of over-functioning puts pressure on the heart, which is harmful to health. Such conditions often lead to heart disease. If sleep is normal, the blood pressure level will also be normal.

Stress-associated cortisol hormone levels are elevated in sleep-deprived individuals which puts the body at risk, as it increases weight and insulin levels.  

How much should a person sleep in a day? The answer to this question may vary from person to person. But usually most of us need seven to eight hours of sleep per day. People who sleep for less than five hours a day have a 40 percent higher risk of arterial heart disease than normal people.

In fact, lack of sleep affects the coronary arteries, increasing the risk of heart attack. Inadequate sleep leads to irritability, impatience, impedance in concentration and aggression and leads to fatigue throughout the day. 

Alternative medicine has shown sleep to be important for maintaining good health. Scientific evidence shows how lack of sleep increases the risk of diseases.

Measures to improve sleep

  • Keep your weight balanced.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Drink a glass of warm milk (cream-free) before sleep.
  • Avoid spicy and oily food in the night.
  • Avoid taking coffee and tea at night.
  • Take calcium supplements.
  • Sleep in a conducive environment and adopt a mind-soothing routine such as reading, drinking chamomile tea, bathing or listening to melodious music.



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