
French anti-couriers prepare collective lawsuit against pharmaceutical companies

One association attempts to resuscitate the bolus linking immunization with autism. One in two citizens opposes compulsory vaccination announced by the Government

While the Government of Emmanuel Macron is preparing for the mandatory vaccination of children in France in 2018 for 11 diseases, an association has mobilized to revive the country’s vaccines and autism. Autisme Vaccinacions announced in September it would file a class action lawsuit on behalf of a hundred families against four major pharmacists, Sanofi, Pfizer, Eli Lilly and GlaxoSmithKline.

The families want to ask for a “compensation for damages caused by pediatric vaccination,” which they consider responsible for an increase in cases of autism among children, he told the daily Le Parisien Martine Ferguson-André. This woman, who is a member of the health commission of the environmental party Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV), claims that her son was diagnosed with autism after receiving five shots at ten months. “We are going to attack before justice those four laboratories that have commercialized vaccines to know the truth,” explained the reason for the action.

Ferguson-André is convinced that the origin of his son’s disease is in thimerosal, composed of ethylmercury, which is used as a preservative, and which would have been found in the child’s blood. As the COUNTRY recalled in a recent article after the Spanish presenter Javier Cárdenas also propagated again the bond of the link between vaccines and autism, the World Health Organization (WHO) has certified that this compound only supposes 0.1% of the mercury sources to which the human being is exposed. Even so, as a precaution, thimerosal has been removed from many vaccines.

According to Le Parisien, the instigator of the lawsuit, who claims to have received “death threats” since she was involved in the anti-coup battle, also attempts to organize the screening of the documentary Vaxxed presented last year by Andrew Wakefield, which states that US health authorities have hidden a link between the MMR vaccine (measles, rubella, and mumps) and autism. This British physician is considered the instigator of this false theory that links vaccines with autism, which launched for the first time in an erroneous study published in 1998 by The Lancet and has served as the main argument for the anti-vaccination movement.

But if this extreme position has been relativized quickly by the French media, what is undeniable is that in France the debate on vaccines remains very controversial. According to a survey published last week, after the government’s announcement, one in two French people opposes the idea that the 11 vaccines are mandatory, as the Macron executive claims. And 39% of those surveyed believe that the risks involved are greater than the benefits, a figure that in just two years has increased by 12 points, notes the Adoxa study. All this despite the fact that, according to the survey, in France, 70% of children under two years already receive the 11 vaccines that from next year should be mandatory.

Stéphanie Donzello, president of Vaccination, an organization that collects funds to “help sick victims of undesirable effects of vaccines,” told BFM TV that she has contacted several organizations both in France and abroad, To constitute a “movement for the freedom of vaccination” and that they are organizing marches by all the country. It is what the National League for Freedom of Vaccination calls for, which is gathering signatures to oppose the draft of the 11 compulsory vaccines.

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