Learn The What, Why & How of CBD

By the year 2021, CBD (cannabidiol) has gone from a phrase that would elicit an eyebrow raise to something the majority of people have at least heard of. The catalyst for why there has been such a recent spike in CBD awareness is that new regulations were encoded merely a few years back. The new rules opened the floodgates for CBD products to be shipped throughout America. As a result, the growth of the CBD industry has been quite astonishing.
It’s a little ironic, seeing that so many people are aware of CBD, but only a small amount comprehend what it is. The hemp plant, widely known because of marijuana, has hundreds of compounds, one of which is CBD. However, the plant is more famous for its high inducing family member in THC, the chemical that produces the elevated feeling people get when consuming weed. The cool thing about CBD is that you don’t get high from consumption, but there are many health benefits connected with consumption.
By now, we should be operating with a rudimentary level of understanding of what CBD is, so let’s break down what it does within our bodies. Just decades ago, the world of science discovered the Endocannabinoid System. Astonishingly the ECS affects every aspect of daily life. Affecting everything from mood, energy levels, immune function, pain perception, amongst many others. Furthermore, new science proves how therapeutic modulating the ECS can affect one’s overall health and well-being. This is why CBD consumption has shown promise in aiding such a wide variety of illnesses.
Around the globe, quite promising tests are being carried out on how CBD affects ailments such as arthritis and other autoimmune disorders, neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s and dementia, ADHD, Chrons, and much more. Most people take CBD for relief of anxiety, pain and as a sleep aid. The chief reason CBD helps people with sleep is how well it does with relieving anxiety.
So what are the main methods by which people can consume CBD? CBD is consumed in four ways: via a tincture under the tongue, vaped or smoked, salves, but nowadays, by and large, the manner most people consume CBD by eating it. Furthermore, CBD is distilled into oil. Its range for cooking applications is endless, from shakes to cakes and everything in between.
Currently, CBD can be found in many nutrition stores. However, many people source their CBD supplements via the internet. Additionally, many online CBD stores are geared towards varying CBD-related products, from CBD vape cartridges to CBD gummies. While new findings are quite promising, CBD is relatively new to most people and the medical community. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you consult your primary care doctor before starting any CBD regimen.