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How to Manage 9 Types of Dental Emergencies

However cautious you may be, facing a dental emergency may be, is often complicated. Although some of them can be solved by oneself because, at first glance, they do not seem to be serious. However, there are occasions when it can be severe resulting in blood loss etc.

In these cases is it becomes more important to know how to act properly. This implies reacting with tranquility and, at the same time, speed. According to Doctor, it is important to know what are the most common dental emergencies and how to act correctly when it is not possible to go immediately to a dentist’s appointment.

Here are some recommendations:

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1. Toothache

This is one of the dental emergencies which happens frequently. Suddenly, you start to feel intense and constant toothache that is also accompanied by shooting pain. The most common reason behind this pain is a cavity.


Make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. Your dentist would examine the tooth, determine the cause of the pain, and prescribe a treatment.

-While you go to the dentist

Consult with your doctor about the possibility of taking analgesics or anti-inflammatories. Of course, never take any medication without the prescription of the doctor or dentist.

Also, avoid very cold, hot, hard or sweet foods and apply cold in the area of ​​the cheek where the tooth that hurts. Finally, do not press the area. That is, do not lie on that side of the face.

2. Loss of a tooth after a blow

The loss of a tooth can be caused by playing sports, or in an accidental fall, a fight, a car accident or a motorcycle … If the tooth loss has been total, it is possible that you bleed a lot, so stay calm.


Go to the dentist as soon as possible without waiting any further. The faster you go, the better chance you will have to reimplant the missing tooth.

-While you go to the dentist

In order for the implantologist to replace the missing dental piece, it is necessary to look for the missing tooth. When you have found it, take it to the consultation, but do not clean it or try to manipulate its root. There are three different ways of working with the tooth before arriving for consultation:

1. Place the tooth in the socket (hole in which it was) and put a gauze between the teeth so you can bite it and keep the piece in place. Just be careful not to swallow it

2. Insert the tooth into the mouth, that is, under the tongue or on one side. In this case, you also have to be careful not to swallow it

3. Dip the tooth into a glass of cold milk (from the refrigerator).

3. Partial fracture of a tooth

As in the previous case, the fracture can result from a sports accident, an accidental fall, a fight, a car accident or motorcycle or while chewing a very hard food.


Go to the dentist as soon as possible, this case can not wait either. The sooner you go, the better you will have to rebuild the original dental piece.

-While you go to the dentist

To reconstruct the tooth, you must also try to locate and collect the piece of tooth that has been detached. Once found it should be put in a container with cold milk from the refrigerator. And, additionally, apply cold in the area of ​​the face where the tooth is to contain the inflammation.

4. Loosening a tooth after a blow

The reasons for loosening are similar to those mentioned in the total loss and partial fracture of the tooth.


Go to the dentist as soon as possible: this case can not wait either. If the mobility of the tooth increases, it may fall.

-While you go to the dentist

Do not touch the tooth with your fingers or your tongue to prevent it from loosening even more. Neither do you apply any pressure on your teeth

5. Jaw fracture

This emergency is always the result of a strong trauma, of whatever type.


This case can not wait either. Go to the hospital immediately.

-When you go to the hospital

Make sure to keep your jaw in resting position and holding it with a tissue or towel.

6. Abscess

The abscess has an infectious origin since it occurs when the bacteria penetrate the tooth due to an opening caused by caries or a broken or chipped dental piece. This results in a fistula in the gum, which is a lump by which puffs out the pus caused by the infection.


Go to your dentist to get an antibiotic. In addition to curing the infection must solve the cause that caused it.

-While you go to the dentist

You can visit your doctor’s office to get you an antibiotic.

7. Bite on the tongue or lip

An accidental bite can occur in different ways, whether eating, sporting or in any other situation. It results in bleeding, to a greater or lesser extent, depending on how the wound is.


First, try washing your tongue or lip with water, then press the wound with a gauze.

It is normal for the bleeding to stop a few minutes after you have washed and pressed the wound. But if the bleeding does not stop or the wound is very large, go immediately to the hospital. You may need stitches.

-When you go to the hospital

In addition to continuing to press the wound with a gauze, place a cold compress to control the inflammation.

8. Foreign body trapped in a tooth

This may have happened eating or after having manipulated an object with your teeth – something that should never be done. Suddenly, you feel like you have a foreign body between them.


This case may not require the help of a professional. Wipe the dental floss carefully so as not to damage the gum, and try to remove it. Do not under any circumstances use a sharp or sharp object to try to remove it. If you can not do this, go to the dentist.

-While you go to the dentist

You do not have to follow specific indications besides what we have told you. This case is not serious.

9. Injuries due to orthodontics

This type of emergency happens on a frequent basis for those who wear brackets and wires. The most common is that part of the device falls or breaks and there is a loose wire that is nailed to gum, tongue or cheek.


Whether or not the device causes discomfort, call your orthodontist to make an appointment.

-While you go to the dentist

If you have pain or discomfort, cover the tip of the wire with a small piece of cotton or gauze.

Whatever the situation, it will require you to be the first to act. You may be able to solve the problem yourself or else you may need professional help. In any case, your reaction during the first few minutes is, in many cases, decisive.

For this reason, it is advisable to always be prepared to face these types of incidents and try to prevent them, as far as possible.

To do this, it carries out a good oral hygiene, follows a healthy and balanced diet, uses mouth guards when doing sports and tries to be cautious. In other words, avoid fights or fights and use your seat belt in all your movements.

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