Hire Mesothelioma Lawyers in New Jersey
If you are a victim of asbestos exposure and looking for asbestos attorney or mesothelioma lawyers in New Jersey then do visit.
In a recent evaluation of the number of deaths due to mesothelioma, New Jersey was ranked eighth. In fact, between 1980 and 2000, more than 2,800 individuals in New Jersey died from causes related to asbestos exposure, including:
- Mesothelioma cancer (cancer of a tissue lining of the chest cavity)
- Asbestosis (a severe and often fatal respiratory disorder)
- Lung cancer (various types)
- Other organ cancers (such as stomach cancer or esophageal cancer)
More Than Sixty Work Sites Used Asbestos
More than 60 job sites in New Jersey have exposed their workers to hazardous levels of asbestos, including:
Chemical factories responsible for Asbestos Exposure in New Jersey
- Power plants
- Oil Refineries
- Chemical products of Du Pont
- The Raybestos-Manhattan Asbestos Plant in Passaic
- The Naval Weapons Station at Colts Neck
- The New York Shipbuilding Company in Camden
- Jobs related to brakes and gaskets containing asbestos
- Secondary Asbestos Exposure in New Jersey
Employees of all of these companies were in danger of inhaling asbestos dust at work, and their family members were in danger of being exposed to asbestos fibers that often “came home” to clothing, hair, and shoes of employees.
Patterns Conspired to Keep Asbestos Hazards Secret
The Passaic asbestos plant was the basis for a shocking discovery – documents at Raybestos corporate offices proved that Johns-Manville and Raybestos had conspired to conceal from the public the information they had about asbestos toxicity. Before these events, the leaders of these companies, as well as other companies, had maintained that they were not aware of the dangers that asbestos posed to their employees.
Consult the Asbestos Lawyers in New Jersey
Families and individuals who have been affected by a diagnosis of an asbestos cancer- related illness can make an appointment, free of charge, to discuss their case and their concerns with an experienced and qualified asbestos lawyer in New Jersey. Get in touch with mesothelioma centers today to talk to experienced asbestos lawyers who will help you get the compensation you need and deserve from the parties responsible for your asbestos exposure. Best mesothelioma lawyers in New Jersey will help you receive best justice and compensation for your asbestos lawsuit.